Welcome to Shady Tree Auto Repair. We guarantee that your car will be running smoothly after we're done with it (and you might even have some money leftover...)

In Shady Mechanic, you play a... well... shady mechanic out to make as much money as you can off of each customer. But beware, some customers are more car-savvy than others and may walk out if you try to charge them too much. Can you spot the difference and stay in business? 

Shady Mechanic is a text-based, push-your-luck style game that is sure to have you laughing all the way to the bank!


  • Press the Enter key to proceed through dialogue prompts and select highlighted repairs.
  • Type the name of a repair from the given list to highlight it. It doesn't require perfect spelling or punctuation! 
  • While looking over Yap reviews, type "Like" or "Report" to highlight or suppress them. This affects your overall Yap score and how much customers trust you.
  • At the high score screen, enter your name to submit your score to the online leaderboard, or enter "New game" to start over!

Made during Global Game Jam 2020 at UMBC, Maryland: https://globalgamejam.org/2020/games/shady-mechanic-7